Sustainable Farming

Sustainable is a word that is used and abused by everyone with something to sell – but here I use it in its true sense.

Presentation to the APPG on Agroecology: ‘a countryside fit for pollinators’

                                        I’m not qualified to apportion blame for the decline in bee populations and I’m certainly not here as an apologist for the farming industry but the reality … Continue reading

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Is there a future without neonicotinoids?

  Of course there is. Debunking some of the myths The agrochemical industry and farming leaders have been quoted as saying that the ban on neonicotinoids will cost UK wheat growers up to £450m “the loss of this technology could … Continue reading

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Launch of the APPG on Agroecology

Tues 15 Feb saw the launch of the All Parliamentary Party Group on Agroecology in the Grand Committee Room of the House of Commons. Chaired by Baroness Sue Miller and Robert Flello MP the aim of the APPG on Agroecolgy … Continue reading

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2011 message: Contradictory government policy on sustainability – is it time for the ‘specialist generalist’?

  Practical solutions for a sustainable future   Farming is facing a period of fundamental change that will impact on the viability of farm businesses, the rural economy, and the environment. I believe that the drivers are in place for changes that … Continue reading

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Cloning – the government out of step again with the consumer

Its nearly 4 years since the first off-spring of a cloned cow was born on a UK farm but it seems to me that the government is no more prepared than it was back then. GM Freeze comment to the … Continue reading

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Agroecology – the new green revolution?

Faced with projections that the world’s population will increase by 50% over the next forty years, along with the implications of climate change on the planets ability to feed that increasing population, the worlds scientists have gone into overdrive trying … Continue reading

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Are we right in thinking that intensification is the only way to feed a rising world population?

Farmers both in the developed North and the less developed South will have to meet the challenge of feeding 9 billion people by 2050. I will add more on this important issue but to start off I’ve posted an article published in the … Continue reading

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