
Plans for the superdairy at Nocton Lincolnshire have been withdrawn. This is good news for the campaigners (and the cows) but British dairy farming is still in a perilous financial state.
A coherent vision for a viable sustainable future for our dairy sector is needed now more than ever if we are all to enjoy the benefits that viable family farms can bring to the countryside

Weighing up the economics of dairy farms – Deborah Meaden says “I’m out!”

Today (Friday 9th Sept), after nearly 10 months working on the briefing along with farmers, dairy consultants and WSPA staff, the report “weighing up the economics of dairy farms” has been published with a foreword from Deborah Meaden of Dragon’s … Continue reading

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Economic Review of a Superdairy

Dec 2010 This economic review of the superdairy concept is an attempt to put some economic information into the public arena in the hope that everyone with an interest in the future of the dairy sector and the British countryside … Continue reading

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The power in the milk chain

The power in the milk chain The graph below taken from the DairyCo report Dairy Supply Chain margins 2009/10 demonstrates not only the fundamental problems in the milk chain affecting  farm profitability but also delivering environmental and social benefits … Continue reading

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Nocton Dairy withdraws its application for a superdairy

Nocton Dairy withdraws its application for 4000 cows on Nocton Heath. This has to be good news for the many, many people who campaigned against this proposal for the first superdairy in the UK. People campaigned for different reasons – … Continue reading

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Superdairy; the Legacy

Superdairy; the Legacy Recently I was a panellist at a debate organised by Lincs FM where members of the public could send in questions to the owners of the company that has applied for permission to build a 4000 cow herd … Continue reading

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Presentation to Roger Helmer MEP and Bill Newton- Dunn MEP 30/10/10

Presentation to Roger Helmer MEP and Bill Newton- Dunn MEP 30/10/10 Introduction Peter Lundgren is an ex-dairy farmer now growing arable crops and rearing outdoor pigs in Lincolnshire. He works closely with a number of NGOs on sustainability and has … Continue reading

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Developing new deal for the dairy sector. Still relevant today?

Farm developed the following ask for the WI ‘plight of the dairy farmer’ camapign in 2007 when it became clear that the organisations representing the UK dairy farmer did not have an agreed mechanism to address the inequalities within the … Continue reading

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Can a campaign address the imbalance of power in the milk chain? Yes it can, occasionally!

  Graphic from FARM’s milk campaign picking up the statement in the 2004 EFRA committee report that the average dairy farmer earns just £2.90/hr The following was published in the Lincolnshire Echo May 2007 Back in February I wrote about the Women’s Institute … Continue reading

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Milk Price – WI plight of the dairy farmer campaign

At the end of last month I found myself, along with other farming organisations and the Women’s Institute, in a garden adjacent to the House of Commons being photographed with a young lady who was in a bath of milk. … Continue reading

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